Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Writing Tutorial

I have written much about vocabulary study in my last blogs, now I want to turn my attention to writing. To begin with, I want to bring your attention to a wonderful website for students,, which is packed with useful elements for students who want to improve their writing. In addition to lots of explanations about writing, there are lots of example essays which students can study. However, remember:

Please do not Plagiarize!
All essays at ESLBEE.COM are by former students who have given written permission for their work to be posted at ESLBEE.COM. Now, here is one such sample from this you can benefit from, just click on the link provided below:
Why People Shouldn't Watch Too Much Television

This is a basic 5 paragraph essay. You should be able to master this kind of essay and through mastering it, pass the writing section of the cope with flying colors. I highly recommend that you check out this site, at least for the sample essay, if not for nothing else. While you may feel that you are getting plenty of writing support, it never hurts to take matters into your own hands and do some outside work of your own. Remember, learning is a gift you give yourself and one in which the more you invest in, the more you will receive from this investment. Do not make the mistake which so many Bilkent students make, which is to settle for merely passing the COPE exam. This sort of attitude only ensures a sort of mediocrity which will infect your future negatively and benefit your competitors from other places who are sure to be working their hearts out.

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